Hyvä Themes License
One-time purchase
Unlimited updates included
Valid for one Magento 2 installation with unlimited domains and storeviews.
Full access to the Hyvä Themes code via Private Packagist
Access to third-party compatibility modules
Support and Community access on our private Slack
Online documentation
Includes Hyvä UI for free!
Take it for a spin
Hyvä themes are Magento 2 themes built from scratch using a completely blank theme. All layout.xml, .phtml files and all JavaScript have been thrown out, resulting in a lean experience nowhere near as complex as the default Luma theme.
We leverage a lot of tools that come from the Laravel ecosystem. Laravel is a great example of a PHP ecosystem that is innovating and thriving in an incredible pace.
In particular, we’re currently using TailwindCSS and AlpineJS to build a beautiful, fast and flexible frontend themes for Magento.
Some useful additions
Find a Partner
Over 400 agencies are already working with Hyvä worldwide. You can find a selection of those on our Hyvä Suppliers page.
If you rather stick with your existing Agency / Developers, we promise it's easy to switch from existing Magento development to Hyvä. It's all familiar technology, but a lot less libraries/technologies to work with on the frontend. We hear time and time again how fast people adapt to our technology stack, and how much more enjoyable developers find it to work with Hyvä.