How a US-based B2B merchant recovered after a massive drop in organic traffic
Merchant and Magento 2 project snapshot
- Country: USA
- Industry Vertical: Fixtures and equipment for retail stores
- Business model: B2B, Omnichannel 4 showrooms and 9 pickup locations
Hyvä project scope and key results
- 3,000 SKUs
- New website launch with Hyvä: August 2022
- Cost Per Click improved by 14%
- Bounce rate is down 10%
- Organic conversion rates are up 47%
- Revenue increasing by 30%

Barr Display has recently turned around diminishing conversions and organic traffic by implementing Hyvä to remove the clunky UX. The experience was so positive that Julia Prestia from Barr Display was happy to share her story on stage at Meet Magento Florida 2023 along with Arron Moss from Agency Zero-1 and Sanne Bolkenstein, Commercial Director at Hyvä.
Here are the details for everyone to enjoy and learn from.
Barr Display’s story
Merchant background
Barr Display has been serving the retail industry since 1946. Based in Orlando FL we are a full service retail store display company. At Barr Display, we strive to offer you the broadest selection of retail store displays, custom store fixtures and retail packaging at competitive prices. We are proud to stock an inventory of over 3,000 store fixtures and store displays. With 13 physical locations operating from our Headquarters in Orlando we have 4 Showrooms and a further 9 pick up locations across the USA
Niche and key differentiator
Ability to react quickly to market demands from stocking a vast line of products in house, the ability to vastly reduce shipping rates and times by having multiple click and collect / delivery locations around the country.
What are they the most proud of so far?
The growth that digital trading has given our business has been huge and we have grasped and maximized the opportunity to grow our business as we enter new markets we previously wouldn't have been exposed to growing our business from 1 site in Orlando to 13 sites across the USA. Although it's a constantly changing channel the development and growth of our ecommerce stores has to be one of our greatest achievements.
Market and Digital strategy
Market and its dynamics
Predominantly operating in the USA B2B market competition is strong with around 700 other suppliers to compete against of varying size and operating models all chasing a $7 bn a year market.
As with all businesses we are still catching up from the covid effect and the rapid advancement in technology. Working closely with Zero1 we are trying and mostly succeeding to stay ahead of the curve in a sector that hasn't always been willing to adapt to new technologies.
When, how and when did you decide to go online?
Operating since 1946 and been on the Magento open source platform since 2014.
Incorporating online to our business model opened us up to new customers who possibly wouldn't have heard of us before, it has also forced a growth in our company opening more locations creating more jobs to serve the increased geographical spread of our customers.
Key challenges you faced and needed to overcome
Barr Display was experiencing diminishing conversions, organic traffic and paid ad performance as we missed the Google Update.
This combined with increased competition made it essential that a solution was found to make sure the web site was performing as optimally as possible.
How did Zero-1 agency help?
ZERO-1 were introduced to Barr Display following a failed build from a local developer.
The implementation was troublesome and over-complex. ZERO-1 were able to understand the business quickly and strip back the implementation to unlock the power of Magento Open Source more effectively.
Their approach was to simplify. In understanding the long-term business objectives, they challenged all decisions from the previous development team and were able to strip back 75% of the customisations which would only lead to poor ROI.
We were convinced it was the right thing to do as they communicated clearly how their approach would yield faster delivery and lower costs.
What tech stack did you choose and why?
Hyvä Themes plays into the agency’s core values in delivering smarter technology rather than following buzz-word messaging.
Hyvä Themes retrofit approach was about focusing on replacing our current front-end with Hyvä like for like and nothing else: no additional feature development, no UI or UX changes.
We needed to act as fast as possible without blowing our budget.
Hyvä project results
Hugely improved web vitals score showing we are delivering the best customer journey possible and keeping Google happy which should lead to better domain authority assisting organic and Paid Search. This has given us 95.8% of good URLs on Google Page Experience reports.
In turn this has led to some impressive figures in a very short space of time our CPC down by 14%, Bounce Rate down 10% and our Organic Conversion Rates up 47%, all leading to Revenue increasing by 30%.
Tips from merchant to merchant
Hyvä is a must if you are on Magento. The improved customer experience is one thing but the results are something we weren't expecting, from Core Web Vitals to Improving our Paid and Organic search results have us wishing we had done this a lot sooner. With it being a far simpler template getting updates and changes to the web site is far quicker and smoother than we’ve ever known.
What were the key learnings for Zero-1 in the process?
Key learnings are to continue validating whether emerging tech is able to deliver on its promises. If we had followed advice recommending PWA as the next step in front-end advancements for our customers, then we would have risked a failed delivery and a lost customer.
With Hyvä however, all expectations are exceeded and the ROI is many times greater.
Next is Hyvä Checkout. Not only will this delivery be fast and risk free, but the production costs for customisations are a fraction of those compared to complex PWA.
My key tips for merchant is this:

About Zero 1 Magento Agency
We know how hard it is to create new technology which positively impacts your business.
For two decades we’ve built our own digital products rooted in delivering enterprise level services more affordably to SME businesses, integrating with WMS, EPOS, Email Marketing, Loyalty and Paid Acquisition. Everything is focussed towards offering an agile, hassle free service and improved ROI. We are certified Magento designers, developers & solution specialists, providing solutions on the platform since 2008. Our team has delivered seamless migrations projects alongside the delivery of custom plugins.
Specializing in Hyvä, our Hyvä ‘Retrofit’ approach is about replacing the outdated Magento Luma-based stack with Hyvä Themes in the most efficient manner, maintaining all existing design and user journey in order to deliver quickly and without risk but giving maximum rewards.
We may only be a small team but this gives us the ability to give exceptional service. We’ve turned this experience into a simple process of listening, delivering and keeping our clients ahead of the game. Our method delivers more speed and agility, at a substantial cost saving.