Hyvä Widgets have arrived!
In collaboration with our partner agency Bemeir, we built a set of convenient Widgets for your Hyvä stores. These form an alternative to building page layouts with PageBuilder.
With a set of predefined widgets that come with their own styling and a fixed set of layouts, you can easilty create content that fits your frontend theme seamlessly.
This is something that can be difficult at times to achieve with PageBuilder or regular WYSIWYG editors, because they don't offer the constraints of the frontend theme.
These Widgets have been built with customizability in mind, meaning we expect developers and agencies to use them not only out-of-the-box, but also with their own set of customizations and styling on top.
Four widget types are included at the time of writing (January '22):
These allow you to create interactive pages with product or image sliders, grids, banners, two-column content blocks and html content blocks.
They are all wrapped in an element that allows standardized styling, on-scroll animations and additoinal layout options.
Learn more by watching the video featuring Goran from Bemeir, who worked extensively on these widgets.
Or read the Hyvä Widgets documentation on our doc site.